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The Depositorium is a certain structure that lies near the center of the Banded Bluff and within the consolidated layers of alternate dimensions.

Background[ | ]

It's been theorized that this "Depositorium" might be some prior-world structure used to store rare and precious materials, with those materials, in question, possibly being responsible for all the dimensional affects that afflict the surrounding area. Several dimensional auditors from the University of Doors have been studying the Banded Bluff itself through a temporary field station located nearby.[1]

The Airless Layer[ | ]

Observers from outside the layer will find a lack of apparent vegetation, life, or even light on the other side, there isn't even an "other side" that appears visible. Within the layer, the region is nothing more than a pocket dimension with plain, unmarked stone that's only lit by the stars in the sky, devoid of any air and only 3 miles wide and 2 miles long. The False Depositorium can be seen from most locales within this layer.[2]

The Weightless Layer[ | ]

Observers looking in from outside this layer won't be able to see to the other side, only a few hazy structures. The True Depositorium itself can be found within this dimensional layer (alongside 2 enigmatic structures lacking any visible purpose). The region found within the layer is a pocket dimension approximately 500 ft. in diameter that lacks gravity. As a result, any and all attacks (including physical actions) are increased by one step throughout this zero G environment.[3]

False Depositorium[ | ]

With a tower made from some white metallic material poised on each side, the False Depositorium holds no apparent windows or doors along its exterior. Touching any of the outside walls will bring up controls made from light, and anyone willing to work them will need a difficulty 5 Intellect roll in order to trigger an opening to an interior airlock. The structure holds breathable air within, empty containers, dusty outlines, debris, and is lit by red lights. While it seems things were once stored here, that time has long since past, and all storage containers have been emptied. However, a few smaller chambers to the side do indicate recent signs of habitation. Of who or what, though, remains unknown.[4]

The Sunblast Layer[ | ]

Observers on arguably any side of this particular layer will notice that light is brighter from within. This layer is really just an immediate distance in width, despite how wide it looks from the outside. However, within this sliver of a dimension, a massive sun fills the skies, with air on the teetering edge of ignition and an oppressive wave of heat consuming all. For every round a visitor is subject to this area's full effect, they will receive 8 points of fire damage.[5]

The Garden Layer[ | ]

Observers from the outside of this layer looking in will discover vague, green silhouettes growing from within. As it turns out, the Garden layer is about 5 miles thick with nature, despite, it seeming only a few hundred yards from outside. A riot of jungle stretches along the area, filled with tall trees, multicolored flowers, singing birds and insects, humid heat, and broad leaves that can shade visitors from the bright sunlight during daytime. There also doesn't appear to be any discernable paths to provide access throughout this area.[6]

The Storm Layer[ | ]

Those looking in from either side of this layer will find light to be "greyer" from within. While it may appear as thin as the Sunblast Layer, in truth, this layer is about 5 miles thick and features a torrential downpour of rain. When exposed to the weather, all difficulty pertaining to physical tasks is increased by 1 step, while all tasks related to perception and navigation are increased by 2 steps. Arachnid-like creatures with bodies almost as large as those of humans hunt throughout this layer. Known as noculters, these ferocious predators are somehow unaffected by the never-ending storm because they wear a thin film of the Sunblast Layer around their forms like a cloak.[7]

The Depositorium[ | ]

Comprised of a tower of white metallic material, the Depositorium itself is about 60 feet on each and bears no apparent doors or windows along its exterior. Touching any of the outside walls will bring up controls made from light, and anyone willing to work them will need a difficulty 5 Intellect roll in order to trigger an opening to an interior airlock. The structure holds breathable air within and is lit by white lights. Unlike its false counterpart, this Depositorium is filled with stacks of hundreds of red-gold metallic bricks, warm to the touch. Each one weighs nearly a hundred pounds despite only being 8 in. in its largest dimension. While stored where they are, the bricks themselves seem quiescent, any anyone knowledgeable of the numenera that succeeds on a difficulty 5 Intellect task will realize that each brick is actually some collapsed dimension.[8]

References[ | ]

  1. Cordell, Bruce, “The Banded Bluff.” Into the Outside, Monte Cook Games, LLP, 2018, pp. 20. Numenera. ISBN 978-1-939979-47-6
  2. Cordell, Bruce, “The Banded Bluff.” Into the Outside, Monte Cook Games, LLP, 2018, pp. 21. Numenera. ISBN 978-1-939979-47-6
  3. Cordell, Bruce, “The Banded Bluff.” Into the Outside, Monte Cook Games, LLP, 2018, pp. 21. Numenera. ISBN 978-1-939979-47-6
  4. Cordell, Bruce, “The Banded Bluff.” Into the Outside, Monte Cook Games, LLP, 2018, pp. 21. Numenera. ISBN 978-1-939979-47-6
  5. Cordell, Bruce, “The Banded Bluff.” Into the Outside, Monte Cook Games, LLP, 2018, pp. 20. Numenera. ISBN 978-1-939979-47-6
  6. Cordell, Bruce, “The Banded Bluff.” Into the Outside, Monte Cook Games, LLP, 2018, pp. 20. Numenera. ISBN 978-1-939979-47-6
  7. Cordell, Bruce, “The Banded Bluff.” Into the Outside, Monte Cook Games, LLP, 2018, pp. 20. Numenera. ISBN 978-1-939979-47-6
  8. Cordell, Bruce, “The Banded Bluff.” Into the Outside, Monte Cook Games, LLP, 2018, pp. 21. Numenera. ISBN 978-1-939979-47-6